Researchers discover the world’s most sophisticated Android Trojan

Android Backdoor Trojan Discovered
As the prevalence of Android malware grows, its sophistication is naturally growing as well. Kaspersky researcher Roman Unuchek writes that he and his team recently stumbled upon a new Android Trojan that he calls the most sophisticated one he’s ever seen. What makes this Trojan, dubbed “Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a,” so bad? Unuchek says that it’s a “multi-functional Trojan” capable of “sending SMS to premium-rate numbers; downloading other malware programs, installing them on the infected device and/or sending them further via Bluetooth; and remotely performing commands in the console.”
What’s more, the researcher says that although “malware writers typically try to make the codes in their creations as complicated as possible… it is rare to see concealment as advanced as Odad.a’s in mobile malware.” In other words, it sounds like the everything bagel of Android malware: Not only can it perform multiple malicious functions, but it’s enormously complex to dissect as well.
